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Merci à Stephane de Mulhouse pour ses precieuses informations!

Freddie !


Prenom : Farouk

Date de naissance : 05-09-1946

Lieu de Naissance : Zanzibar

Adresse : 1 Logan Place - Kensington (maison estimée à 40 MF)

Taille : 1 m 75

Boisson favorie : Champagne, Vodka

Chanson de Queen préférée : Somebody to love

Album de Queen préféré : The Game

Livres favoris Peter Rabbit, A View Abroad-Bette Midler

Couleur préférée : Jaune

Endroit préféré : Montreux (Suisse)

Musiciens préférés : Aretha Franklin, Monserrat Cabelle, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon

Actrices préféréesMarilyn Monroe, Liza Minelli

Acteurs préférés : Timothy Dalton

Animaux préférés : Les chats, Freddie avait au moins quatres chats en sa companie (Delilah, Lily, Goliath et Romeo)

Passe temps favoris : Le shopping (specialement les antiquités japonaises)

Cosmetiques préférés : Armani For Men, Max Factor #25 Pancake, Lancôme Maquimat 3 1/2 Mascara,
Revlon All Weather Ivory #3, Clinique Continuous Coverage Vital Beige. (source: Freddie Mercury;
Music? Not Only...)

Friandises préférés :  Les quality Streets

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La vie de Freddie :

    Freddie allait souvent en vacances à Ibiza au Pike's Hotel, petit établissement vieux de 500 ans. Le patron, Tony Pike devint un grand ami à Freddie.

    Freddie a acheté une carpe japonaise (vivante) pour plus de 500 000 FF !!!!! Dans sa dernière année, ce généreux Freddie a dépensé plusieurs centaines de milliers de francs pour acheter des maisons aux dix de ses plus proches amis pour un cout total de 28 Millions de francs !!

    Il allait jusqu'à dépenser 2,5 Millions de francs en une seule fois uniquement en antiquités japonaise.

    Il a acheté sa propriété de Kensington cash ! 5 MF, avant de l'ameliorer à son gout, plus tard elle sera évaluée a 40 MF en 1991. Sa fortune était estimée à plus de 28/30 millions de £ (280/300 MF) léguée en partie à Mary Austin, sa plus fidèle amie (eh oui amiE). Mais Freddie était aussi un homme très bon et généreux envers n'importe qui. Rick Sky cite "s'il découvrait à la télévision un grave problème quelque part qui concernait des gens sans ressource par exemple, il se faisait fort de téléphoner à une de ses sociétés pour qu'ils envoient un chèque anonyme. Je  me souviens qu'il avait envoyé un très gros chèque à un couple sans argent dont la maison avait été saisie (....)"


Les interviews de Freddie : (V-O)

source : www.kingmercury.com


"The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course."

"I'm very emotional. Whereas before I was given time to make my decisions, now nearly all of us are so
highly strung we just snap. We always argue but I think that's a healthy sign because we always get to
the root of the matter and squeeze the best out. But lately so much is happening, it's escalating so fast
that everybody wants to know almost instantly, and I certainly get very temperamental."

"When people stop buying our records, I'll become a strip-artist or something"

"You've got to know where to draw the line. But the public always come first - it's a corny thing to say,
but I mean it. Lately I've been throwing things around which is very unlike me. I threw a glass at someone
the other day. I think I'm going to go mad in a few years' time. I'm going to be one of those insane

"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear."

"I don't like the way my teeth protrude. I'm going to have them done, but I just haven't had the time. Apart
from that...I'm perfect."

"I'm as gay as a Daffodil, dear"

"There were a lot of things we needed to do on 'Queen II' and 'Sheer Heart Attack' but there wasn't
space enough. This time there is. Guitar-wise and on vocals we've done things we've never done

"I'm a man of extremes. I have a soft side and a hard side with not a lot in between. If the right person
finds me I can be very vulnerable, a real baby, which is invariably when I get trodden on. But sometimes
I'm hard, and when I'm strong no-one can get to me."

"At this point in time I think if I had long hair and fingernails and wearing those things, I would look
ridiculous...I mean I looked ridiculous then, but it worked"

"To finish the album we will work till we are legless. I'll sing until my voice is like a vulture's crotch. We
haven't even reached the halfway point yet but from the things I can hear, we have surpassed everything
we have done before musically."

"'Bohemian Rhapsody' didn't just come out of thin air. I did a bit of research, although it was tongue in
cheek and it was a mock opera. Why not? I certainly wasn't saying that I was an opera fanatic and I
knew everything about it."

"That song 'We Are The Champions' has been taken up by football fans because it's a winners' song. I
can't believe someone hasn't written a new song to overtake it."

"Money may not buy happiness, but it can damn well give it."

"We've all had ego problems, like any other group, but we've never actually let it go that far where we
actually say OK forget it, because I think we've all, the four of us have actually said that this chemistry
that's worked really well for us, so why go kill the goose that laid the golden egg, and, \, the survival
instinct that I have in me and I think the whole group has, through anything we will carry on, you know,
until one of us drops dead or something, we'll just replace. I mean if I suddenly left, or have some sort of
mechanism, you know, and they;d just replace me. Not easy to replace me...huh?"

"I hate actually trying to analyze my songs to the full, people still ask me what Bohemian Rhapsody is
about and I tell them I don't know."

Interviewer: "How would you like to be remembered, in the music business?"

Freddie: "Oh, I don't know. I haven't really thought about that. Dead and gone. No, I haven't thought
about that. I don't really think about...my God, when I'm dead, are they going to remember me? I don't
really think about it. It's up to them. When I'm dead, who cares? I don't!

"I want my privacy and I feel like I've given a lot for it. It's like Gretta Garbo isn't it? Virgo, same star sign."

"People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I am going to eat them. But underneath it all
I'm quite shy."

"If you have four very different people in a band like us, they all want to go off at different tangents and
that's very hard. The break-up of a band normally comes from the fact that one ego seems to shoot too
far ahead and then just cant get back, so the band splits up. We sort of manage to keep our ego's in
control one way or another; but that doesn't mean we're all so boring that we agree on everything. We've
come close to breaking up so many times."

Freddie on children: "I think I'd rather have a cat".

"The most important thing, darling, is to live a fabulous life. As long as it's fabulous, I don't care how long
it is."

"I need the extra teeth!"

"I think I'm going to go mad in a few years time. I'm going to be one of those insane musicians."

"There was never a doubt, darling, never. I just knew we would make it. I told everyone who asked just

"We aimed for the top slot. We were not going to be satisfied with anything less."

"Fuck them, darling, if they just don't get it."

"Roger and I go poncing and ultrablagging just about everywhere and lately we've been termed a couple
of queens."

"Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. Fuck them, darling. I will say no
more than what any decent poet would say if you dared ask him to analyse his work: If you see it, dear,
then it's there."

"I shall be Marlene. What a delicious thought!"

"I love to surround myself with strange and interesting people because they make me feel more alive.
Extremely straight people bore me stiff. I love freaky people around me. By nature I'm restless and
highly-strung, so I wouldn't make a very good family man. Deep down inside I am a very emotional
person, a person of real extremes, and often that's destructive both to myself and others."

"I didn't have to take my knickers off, dear. Nobody forced me!"

"I'm going to relax for a while. Maybe I'll get a blow job. Hell, it's Halloween, right?"

"I've made no effort to become a guitar hero because I can't play the fucking guitar."

"John is doubling as our accountant at the moment. If God forsakes us, we won't do anything unless
John says it's okay."

"I'll go to bed with anything."

"I used to think we'd go on for five years, but it's got to a point now where we're actually too old to break
up. Can you imagine forming a new band at 40? Be a bit silly wouldn't it?"

"I don't really think we'll ever break up. I guess if people stopped buying our records, we'd call it a day.
And then I'll go off and be a striptease artist or something."

"I'm just an old slag who gets up in the morning, scratches his head, and wonders who he wants to

"What will I be doing in twenty years' time? I'll be dead, darling! Are you crazy?"

"I'm not going to dance around on stage when I'm fifty. I'd look ridiculous!"

"I can't carry on rocking the way I did in the past. It's all too much. It's no way for a grown man to behave.
I've stopped my nights of wild partying. That's not because I'm ill but down to age. I'm no spring chicken.
Now I prefer to spend my time at home. It's all part of growing up."

"For God's sake, if I wanted to make big confessions about my sex life would I go to The Sun of all
papers? There's no fucking way I'd do that, I'm too intelligent."

"It's not a question of money anymore. I spend money like it's nothing. You know, I could be penniless
tomorrow, but I'd get back, somehow."

"I can be very soft, slushy and mushy."

"Darling, I'm simply dripping with money. It may be vulgar but it's wonderful! All I want from life is to make
lots of money and spend it."

"A Queen album is made up that way. You have to fight. I think it's the best way. I mean, it's like...I think
with me, if it was made too easy, I think I would come up...The lesser material, if you now what I mean. I
like to fight, and I think I make everyone fight as well. I think because we fight, it makes it much more
interesting and I think you get the "creme de la creme", you know, it's the cream of the crop, so I mean,
fighting for Queen songs has been one of the worthwhile factors, to be honest. So you get the best
songs. Some of the ones that were discarded ended up on my solo album, but there still good!"

"If I didn't do...this, I wouldn't have anything to do! I can't cook, I'm not very good at being a housewife! I
just..this is in my blood, I mean, I just...I seem to have been doing this for so long that it's in my blood I
just don't know what else to do. I'd be very vulnerable, and wouldn't know what to do so I think I'll just
have to keep doing it."

"I'm so powerful on stage that I seem to have created a monster. When I'm performing I'm an extrovert,
yet inside I'm a completely different man."

"I don't like doing interviews because if you plunk a tape recorder in front of me I just clam up, you

"If I tried that on, people would start yawning. 'Oh God here's Freddie saying he's gay because it is so

source : www.kingmercury.com

(a suivre)